Massage therapy is a very useful modality and a service that we provide to our clients in Midland & Odessa, TX. Over past few decades, a great deal of scientific research has been done on the benefits of massage therapy. We've collected some of these studies to help you understand your health condition and how massage might be able to help.
If you would like to schedule an appointment with a licensed therapist, give our office a call today at (432) 262-3219.
Since massage works directly on the muscles, it's not surprising that it can be helpful for problems of the musculoskeletal system:
Massage Therapy for Lower Back Pain
Tired of Reaching for the Ibuprofen? Try a Massage for Your Tension Headaches!
Relief for People with Fibromyalgia through Massage
Sciatic Pain Relief: No drugs, No surgery!
Massage is a Simple and Highly Effective TMJ Treatment
Non-surgical Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Massage therapy has been found to be effective for alleviating other types of pain, as well.
Drug-Free Migraine Relief through Massage
Massage is Beneficial for Soothing the Stress of Cancer Treatment
Massage for Cancer Pain Relief
Trigger Point Therapy for Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
The Benefits of Massage During Pregnancy
Can Massage Lower Your Blood Pressure?
Ease Anxiety with Massage Therapy
Benefits of Massage for Preterm Infants
Lifting Your Mood with Aromatherapy