Midland (432) 262-3219 • Odessa (432) 580-3700


Relief of Herniated Disc in Midland, Odessa

Herniated discs have afflicted uncounted people that have come to our Midland, Odessa office. Fortunately, Permian Basin Accident & Injury Centers has assisted plenty of them recover quickly and more completely. Herniated discs, sometime referred to as "slipped discs", can be treated with multiple remedies.

If you are experiencing discomfort caused by a herniated disc, then you are likely querying which choice will provide the best outcome for you. To help you in settling that inquiry, let's assess two of the most commonly selected therapies: chiropractic and epidural.

A Study Analyses Results from Spinal Manipulative Therapy (SMT) and Nerve Root Injections (NRI)

A body of researchers from Switzerland studied 102 patients, every one of them had chronically herniated discs validated by medical imaging. Each participant selected had already undergone ninety days of care via alternatively available remedies without achieving success.

The pool of cohorts was divided into two subdivision. One half of the patients were treated with high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulation treatment (chiropractic treatments). The rest of individuals were treated with nerve root injections (epidural).

The researchers collected data regarding the pain levels of every patient before the treatment given during the study. Then, 30 days following care, patients reported their disc herniation pain on the same scale as before. The change between the two grades was applied to gauge how useful the care was for improving discomfort.

What did the research conclude in regards to chiropractic adjustments versus nerve root injections?

More than 76% of the participants who engaged in chiropractic adjustments reported an improvement in their pain. On the other hand, fewer than 63% of the participants who were treated with epidurals expressed a reduction in discomfort. The figures imply that chiropractic care may be more effective for treating to remediate herniated disc discomfort.

And, that isn't everything. In addition to giving a greater amount of participants highly desired pain relief, researchers also found that spinal manipulation was lower in cost. Nerve root injection treatments approximately cost $730 for each participant. The chiropractic care ran less than $560 for an equal time frame. This type of savings may surely help with your medical expenses. Spending less may make it more conceivable to look for care for your disc herniation pain without additional hardship.

If you want a higher likelihood of success and lower costs when it comes to your herniated disc treatment, give Permian Basin Accident & Injury Centers a call today at (432) 262-3219 to schedule an appointment.


Peterson, CK et al. (2013, May). Symptomatic magnetic resonance imaging-confirmed lumbar disk herniation patients: a comparative effectiveness prospective observational study of 2 age-and sex-matched cohorts treated with either high-velocity, low-amplitude spinal manipulative therapy or image-guided lumbar nerve root injections. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 36(4), 218-225, doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2013.04.005

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